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Why Blackout Shades Can Give You a Great Night’s Sleep

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

If you’re not sleeping right, blackout shades from Elevation Blinds might be what you need to feel rested in the morning. Recent research on circadian rhythms and the effect of light on your sleep are showing us how to get a better night’s sleep. Blackout shades can be an effective part of getting more sleep, which in turn can improve your overall health and quality of life.

The Effect of Light on Sleep

It wasn’t too long ago, historically speaking, that no one had alarm clocks. People woke up when the sun came up and went to bed not long after it went down. These are the natural rhythms of sleep for most of human history prior to the industrial age. What this means is that the human brain (and also the human eye) are hard wired to associate light with “time to wake up.”

In fact, research has found that specific cells in your eyes are designed to pick up the presence or absence of light. These cells don’t identify shapes or colors - just whether there’s any light around you.

How Blackout Shades Can Help You Sleep

Blackout shades do exactly what the name says - they black out the light. This is true whether they’re actually black or not. There are white blackout shades if you can’t bear to part with the all-white interior design scheme in your bedroom.

Keeping the light out of your room helps you to fall asleep and stay asleep. This can be particularly valuable to people who work second or third shifts and have trouble staying asleep once the sun comes up... or people who live in urban areas with lots of unnatural light. Blackout shades can also work for people who just like to sleep in.

If you’re looking to blackout your windows and get a better quality sleep, blackout shades might be the missing piece you’ve been looking for.

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